Most assisted smartwatches for the blind, which rely on audio prompts, the Dot projects messages through braille characters on a screen.This is displayed by two sets of six dots, which raise to produce four braille characters at a time. New characters cycle at speeds ranging from 1-100 per second, with users also able to send simple replies or actions back through the device's two side buttons.

Dot has already signed an agreement with Kenya's government to build 8,000 units of its upcoming educational braille reader, the Dot Mini.

It also has plans to collaborate with Google for next year's launch of the Dot Pad, an e-reader which will display shapes and images through buttons - something that could potentially aid the learning of maths and art.Since it's taken so long for the company to reach this point with its first device, it's probably best to avoid holding your breath for a second and third product.
