A braille e-book is a refresh-able braille display using  heated wax rather than mechanical pins to raise braille dots on a display. Though not inherently expensive, due to the small scale of production they have not been shown to be economical. A Korean concept design published in 2009 by Yank o Design attracted attention.

Braille E-book is a conceptual design of a digital and portable e-book reader, developed by Korean industrial designers. This is quite certain that by seeing the design, everyone will admire that this gadget is really necessary for reading e-books. However, e-books of Braille compatible version are not much available on the market because of the higher price. EAP is the mother technology that can develop special patterns on the plastic surface by raising those elements with an electronic signal. This unique technology used by Braille E-Book can   translate the content into Braille.

A British prototype design called "Anagraphs" was created in 2013.but funding from the European Union ran out before it could be brought to production. A Braille Ebook/Tablet is slated to be released for purchase in the 4th quarter of 2016 by the Austrian company Blitab.
